Bankers Title and Escrow Services and Annette Sanchez Law, P.A.,celebrated the grand opening of their new Miami Lakes office with a ribbon cutting by Mayor Manny Cid along with the rest of the council on Thursday, July 27 at 15500 New Barn Road, Suite 100.
Fresh out of high school, Miami Lakes area native Jorge Safont worked as a loan processor for his first job where carbon copy and typewriters were king instead of the highly digital world we live in today. He has stayed in the business ever since.
As president of Bankers Title and Escrow Services, Safont has grown the company over five years to go from 20 closings in a year to over 250, averaging about 30 closings per month. Safont notes his “Ritz Carlton” approach to the closing process as something that sets them apart from others.
“How we handle our closings are done in a way that no one feels the pain,” said Safont.
With perks like an on-site attorney, mobile services for homeowners and soon-to-be homeowners that can’t get out of their 9 to 5, online file tracking and archiving for clients, and one all-inclusive fee, it’s easy to see how Safont and his staff employ that painlessness in the closing process.
“We’re the very last step and so for us communication is extremely important,” said Safont. “If everything is clear and everyone is well-informed it makes for a good experience.”
Just as homeowners are able to select their own realtor, they are also able to select the title and escrow company they’d like to work with, particularly if they offer the sort of perks that Bankers Title and Escrow Services offers. Additionally, the office covers commercial and residential closings all over the state.
Annette Sanchez Law is is a civil law firm with its main concentration in family law, real estate, and civil litigation. The firm serves as the full-time attorney for Banker’s Title & EscrowServices and offers convenient offsite closings, including weekends and evenings.
The office has established relationships with lenders and has developed a processing system to manage short sales to make the process as simple as possible. Bankers Title and Escrow services have one goal: closings.
More information on services online at