Duke and Dutchess celebrates 'Furrty' years

Business By Kayleen Padron, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Duke and Dutchess is celebrating 40 years of serving the furry residents of Miami Lakes. Best friends Lori Wetzel and Randi Rosenson currently own and operate the pet grooming salon located at 7345 Miami Lakes Drive in the Cypress Village Shopping Center. 

The salon first opened in 1977, long before Miami Lakes even became an incorporated town. It all started with Rosenson’s mother, Peggy. Since she was 12-years-old, Rosenson worked alongside her mother until she was diagnosed with breast cancer and passed away in 1993. 

“My mom chose Miami Lakes because she wanted that hometown feel, and she stuck with it. She didn’t want to open at Westland Mall and become part of that crowd, and she wanted to do her own thing,” explained Rosenson. “She got to know everybody.” 

Wetzel had known Rosenson through a mutual friend, and wanted to help her through this particularly difficult time. Wetzel officially bought the store from Rosenson in 1995, and the two friends have become inseparable ever since. They both have been through loss, marriages and the birth of their children together. In fact, Wetzel even reconnected with an old flame from high school during a particularly busy day; The old high school sweethearts were eventually married.

“God works in mysterious ways sometimes. We had our kids right around the same time of each other, we went through the baby stage together,” Rosenson said. “I lost my husband to cancer, she lost hers through divorce, so that bonded us! The ties are there,” Wetzel said. 

For being in business for 40 years, Wetzel and Rosenson have learned a lot. Although four decades have passed since the pet salon first opened, time has stood still in the walls of the business. In fact, there have been several constants through the years. 

“Personal attention,” Wetzel said. “And consistency,” added Rosenson. “We have Randi cutting hair, or I’ve been cutting the hair for 40 years. You’re not going to have someone else cutting hair,” explained Wetzel. “You’ll always see the same faces.” Rosenson concluded. 

When asked about what they’ve learned throughout their time running the business, they both looked at each other and took a deep sigh. 

“A lot,” they both laughed. “Patience, and that sometimes old school is the best way,” Rosenson said. “We talk to you, fill out cards,” interjected Wetzel. “We have a personal relationship with our clients,” remarked Rosenson. 

Families have been coming to the salon for years with their fur babies, and it’s even come to the point where different generations have decided to take their pets over to Rosenson and Wetzel. 

“Clients who came here before had children, and now their children are having children, and they’re still coming here. It’s the coolest thing. you don’t see that anymore,” Rosenson said. 

The store is open Monday through Friday from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. They are also open Saturdays from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M. and are closed Sundays. For more information about Duke and Duchess Pet Grooming, call (305)821-1542. 

“We are very lucky people,” Wetzel said. “Very lucky,” agreed Rosenson.