JetStream Federal Credit Union sponsors luncheon at MIA

Business Thursday, June 2, 2016

JetStream Federal Credit Union was a proud sponsor of the 75th anniversary commemorative ceremony of the Miami Airport Tower at Miami International Airport on May 19. JetStream’s CEO Jeanne Kucey received an anniversary poster for the organization’s sponsorship of the event’s luncheon.

Many South Florida dignitaries were present including Miami-Dade County Deputy Mayor Jack Osterholt, Miami-Dade Aviation Department director Dr. Emilio Gonzalez, Federal Aviation Administration vice president Tim Arel, and various representatives of U.S. Congressional members who represent the Miami area.

Current Miami Tower employees placed many items that are in use today to direct air traffic in a specially created time capsule which will be opened when the Tower marks its 100th anniversary.
JetStream Federal shares a 68-year history with the FAA whose Miami employees were the founding members of the credit union.