Local businesses invited to reception with County Commission chair E. Bovo

Business Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid has invited town businesses and their top level executives to attend a special reception to meet and greet Miami-Dade County Commission chairman Esteban Bovo Jr. The reception will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 7, at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street.

The reception will offer an opportunity for business leaders to discuss ideas and issues one on one with Bovo, Cid, and other Town elected officials, and to interact with various industry leaders and colleagues in different industries. 

Attendance can be confirmed by contacting Joseph Sosa, assistant to the Mayor, at sosaj@miamilakes-fl.gov, or 305-364-6100, ext. 1157, by June 3.