Main Street Players schedule auditions for Race on two nights, Nov. 12-13

Business Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Main Street Players (MSP) will be holding auditions for “Race” by David Mamet at 6809 Main Street. Audition dates are Monday, November 12 and Tuesday, November 13 from 6 to 9 p.m., with callbacks on Wednesday, November 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. if necessary. Production dates are February 22 through March 17, 2019, and the show will be directed by Lowell Williams.

Two lawyers find themselves defending a wealthy, white executive charged with raping a black woman. When a new legal assistant gets involved in the case, the opinions that boil beneath explode to the surface. Mamet turns the spotlight on what we think, but can’t say, and dangerous truths are revealed.

The characters include:

Jack Lawson, a white law partner in his 40’s.

Henry Brown, a black law partner in his 40’s.

Charles Strickland, a white wealthy executive in his 40’s.

Susan, a black woman, legal assistant in her late 20’s to mid-30’s.

Requirements include a recent headshot and updated resume. All actors auditioning should prepare a one to two minute monologue, and be prepared to read from the script. People interested in auditioning must provide any forseeable conflicts during the rehearsal process.

Auditions will be conducted on a first come, first served basis. For more information, contact director Lowell Williams at