ML Chamber hosts personal development specialist Eric Stoller

Business Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Eric Stoller, president of the Les Brown Institute and a specialist in the field of personal development, will be the guest speaker at the Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon on Wednesday. June 14, in the Grand Ballroom at Shula’s Hotel on Main Street.

Prior to becoming president of the Les Brown Institute, Stoller was president of Strategic Seminars and Training. He has specialized in creating memorable events and training programs designed to increase personal performance, make new contacts, and help companies and individuals reach their goals and dream. 

Stoller has over 25 years of expertise in producing seminars and training programs. He has created events such as the Champion Mind-set events and the Personal Power Expo, and has delivered over 5,000 presentations and seminars in his career.

His goal is to assist sales people in building their business and realizing their dreams, and to use his vast experience to help them leverage their success. 

Networking starts at 11:30 a.m. with the luncheon as noon. Deadline to RSVP is Friday, June 9, at 2 p.m. Admission is $30 for members and their guests who RSVP, $35 for members and their guests who do not RSVP, and $40 for non-members. For reservations, contact Marta Diaz at 305-556-2212, or email