Pace FBLA students win districts, head to states

Business By Raquel Edmundson, special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Members of Monsignor Edward Pace High School’s (PACE) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter recently competed in district level performance competition categories as well as various online skill competitions.
On January 24, PACE students and club moderator, Hedda Falcon had an opportunity to attend the district competition award ceremony held at William H. Turner Technical Arts High School. During the ceremony, 32 PACE students received award medals and advanced to the FBLA state leadership conference to take place in Orlando on March 22 to 25.
The FBLA organization helps high school students expand leadership abilities and achieve their academic goals as they prepare for college and beyond into their professional careers. The upcoming state conference event will offer PACE students with the chance to gain monetary prizes, scholarships and to make university connections.
Pace first place winners included Nicolas Macias, Eric Gonzalez, Jonathan Reyes (Computer Game and Simulation Programming); Muriel Cholet (Computer Applications); Paola Calleyro, Liz-Amanda Gonzalez, Paolo Jebian (Entrepreneurship); Nytura Dean (Global Business); Joshua Onuigbo (Health Care Administration); Deianeira Hoffenden (Help Desk); Dominick Hyppolite, Camerin Noel, Steven Miranda (Hospitality Management); Gavin Diaz (Impromptu Speaking); Vanessa Perez-Robles (Public Speaking); Nathan Bonet, Ethan Mansell, Matthew Muthiah (Sports and Entertainment Management); Armando Mendive, Dylan Parrott, Joshua Washington (Mobile Application Development)
Scond place winners included Johncarlos Fernández, Enith Hernandez, Sebastian Paniagua (3D Animation); Marco Sanchez (Cyber Security).
Third place winners included Jacob Moral (Cyber Security); Victor Ramon (Journalism); Anthony Menendez (Security and Investments).
Fourth place winners included David Barbier (Business Communications); Tamika Dolisca (Intro to Business); Onelia Mendive (Intro to Business Communications); Andres Betancourt (Political Science).