Shula’s Spa offers massages to local first responders

Community By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Thursday, November 2, 2017

Heloisa Melo’s name rolls off the tongue and aptly captures her essence – that of ethereal relaxation. It’s no wonder she ended up in the massage and beauty industry. Melo’s breathy voice and serene demeanor are quick to put anyone at ease and she uses these talents to nurture others, most recently as the lead massage therapist at the Spa at Shula’s to suggest complimentary massages to local first responders. 

Local law enforcement and firefighters were invited to visit the Spa at Shula’s where Melo and other massage therapists treated them to a massage and gift bags, an idea Melo had after witnessing the efforts of first responders in the wake of Hurricane Irma. 

“It’s such a shame that the perception of police officers has really suffered due to a small percentage of bad officers,” said Melo. “The majority of these men and women are ethical people who risk their lives for others and especially when we see natural disasters. Seeing how much the first responders in our community did after the hurricane was what motivated me to plan this for them.”

The Spa at Shula’s, under the direction of Linda Higgs, prides itself on using fair trade products and partnering with companies who go above and beyond to give back to communities, such as the environmentally friendly line Eminence, which is organic, handmade in Hungary, and plants a tree for every product purchased. The Spa alone is responsible for the planting of over 575 trees. With a history of generosity, the Spa at Shula’s was naturally on board for an idea to affect the local community for a common good. 

Though this is the first event of its kind at the spa, this is not Melo’s first time participating in the local community to give back. Melo has long been involved with various charities and organizations, particularly those that serve victims of domestic abuse. She, along with some fiends, have given makeovers and massages to women who are struggling through difficult circumstances. 

“When these women are fleeing from bad situations they don’t think to grab their lipstick or things like that,” said Melo. “Nurturers are the ones who need the most nurturing. First responders, nurses, parents, their instinct is to take care of others but who takes care of them? Doing something as simple as beauty services for a woman can do so much to help her feel looked after and improve her self-esteem, or offering massages to stressed out police officers who put their lives on the line every day.”

The Spa at Shula’s hopes to continue complimentary days for first responders. To keep up to date with events, follow the spa on Facebook or call 305-820-8141.