Theatre Review: This Random World now playing to May 6 at Main St. Playhouse

Business By Kayleen Padron, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, April 18, 2018


With relatable characters and catchphrases, This Random World, written by Steven Dietz and directed by Robert Coppel, is sure to capture audience’s hearts. The play opened April 13 at the Main Street Playhouse, 6766 Main Street.

Following a stern talk-to between siblings Beth and Tim Ward (played by Melissa Almaguer and Robert Fritz, respectively) they discuss their mother (Scottie Ward, played by Fern Katz) and her deteriorating health. 

Meanwhile, Scottie and her aid Bernadette (played by Rita Joe) watch the sunrise together and plan their next trip. Despite what Tim and Beth think, their mother has been secretly traveling all around the world with Bernadette. However, their next trip has changed, with Bernadette’s sister Rhonda (played by Brianna Hart-Cox) accompanying Scottie instead. Bernadette worries that after the death of their mother, Rhonda is starting to lose her grip on life.

In the meantime, Tim’s ex from high school, Claire (played by Laura Marrero) and her current boyfriend, Gary (played by Zack Myers) are in the midst of breaking up. Claire seems to find herself stuck in the past, while Gary is fixated on the future.

Although every character seems to be going through their own personal challenges, at the end of the day none of them are suffering alone. This play shows that in current times, when connecting with each other is more difficult than ever, no one is ever truly alone. The juxtaposition of this message echoes in how the play is set up; in each scene, there are no more than two characters on stage. Even though other characters may not be physically there, their presence is still felt in the conflict of the given situation. The lesson to be learned is to make, and keep, as many connections as possible. 

The play will run until May 6 with shows Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $30 for adults and $25 for students, seniors, and military personnel. Theatre League members/Industry $20 with I.D. presented at door. Tickets may be purchased in advance at, or at the box office 60 minutes before show time. For more information, contact Patty Fernandez at 786-344-7551.