10-Foot Tall Menorah to light up Miami Lakes

Religious Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Chabad Miami Lakes will ignite a public 10-foot menorah to be erected near Miami Lakes Town Hall, 6601 Main Street, followed by a community-wide celebration on the third night of Chanukah, which falls on Tuesday, December 8 at 7:30 p.m. The lighting is one of 10,000 public menorahs worldwide that symbolize the universal message of religious freedom. 

The ceremony will feature music, Chassidic dancing, latkes, donuts and dreidels. City and community officials will be in attendance. Following the menorah lighting ceremony, hundreds will dance, sing and eat the night away.

The public menorah lighting is organized by Lubavitch Rabbi Mendel Weiss, who remarked, “The Menorah serves as a symbol of Miami Lakes' dedication to preserve and encourage the right and liberty of all its citizens to worship God freely, openly, and with pride. Specifically in America, a nation that was founded upon and vigorously protects the right of every person to practice his or her religion free from restraint and persecution, the Menorah takes on profound significance, embodying both religious and constitutional principles.”

Miami Lakes’ menorah is one of thousands of large public menorahs sponsored by Chabad throughout the world, helping children and adults of all walks of life discover and enjoy the holiday message.

Throughout the State of Florida, Chabad will be presenting scores of Chanukah events and celebrations, including public menorah lightings, giant menorahs made out of ice and Legos, Menorah Parades, Latkes parties, Giant Dreidel Houses,“Chanukah Wonderlands” and more. To find a local event in Florida or anywhere throughout the world, visit www.Chabad.org/ChanukahEvents. For more information about Chanukah and a local schedule of events visit www.chabadmiamilakes.com/Chanukah.