Kiwanis Club hosts Square Dance

Community Thursday, October 16, 2014


The Miami Lakes Kiwanis Club is hosting a Square Dance on Saturday, October 18, at the Roberto Alonso Community Center at Royal Oaks Park.

The event will raise money for Kiwanis International’s project to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus in third world countries. The project is called “Eliminate” and is co-sponsored by UNICEF.

Tickets are $15 and the cost is tax deductible for participants. Food will be available for purchase and a silent auction will be held that evening.

A professional square dance caller will be on hand to teach folks how to square dance and the Key Clubs that are sponsored at area high schools will be at the event as well.

Another wishing to make a donation should make their check payable to Kiwanis International Foundation and drop it off at the event. For more information, contact Allen Albrecht at 305-558-8657, Diana Fernandez at 305-586-8736, or Tom Freiwald at 305-582-3280.