Lakes resident seeks coupon donations for charity

Community Thursday, October 1, 2015


Don't throw away all those coupons from Sunday's paper.

Local resident and Miami-Dade College student, Marysela Liriano, wants to use her talent for couponing to help those in need. Liriano first began couponing a year ago and has since learned how to coupon in a way that she does not spend any money at the register. Her only costs go toward purchasing the newspapers that advertise the coupons.

“My last coupon haul included 30 bottles of olives, 20 single rolls of paper towels, and 8 bags of dog food,” said Liriano.

She hopes to donate the food items to a charity she’s worked with before: Feeding South Florida.

Liriano has participated in charitable events such as the town’s Spooktakular Halloween and the Pumpkin Patch. What originally began as a high school requirement for community service led Liriano to pursuing different avenues of charity.

“It was really inspiring to help others and see my work go directly toward someone’s need,” said Liriano.

Despite her charitable efforts and talent in couponing, Liriano faces steep prices at $2 per newspaper when she needs several newspapers to gather enough coupons to turn a profit and amassing items to donate. She is looking for assistance in the form of coupon donations.

Anyone able to donate their coupons cut from a variety of newspapers or paid tabloids are encouraged to contact Liriano at