Town Hall Meeting on Dec. 7 to solicit resident's input on Beautification Plan

Featured Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Town of Miami Lakes is hosting a Town Hall meeting at noon on Saturday, December 7, at the Government Center, 6601 Main Street, to solicit residents’ input on the town’s proposed Beautification Plan. 

The plan addresses issues including median planting improvements, pocket/neighborhood park beautification, gateways, crosswalk beautification and other right-of-way improvements typical of most streetscape beautification projects. 

The complete master plan concept can be found on the town’s website at The town has budgeted $300,000 to start implementation of the plan this fiscal year. The town is seeking resident’s input on what should be the town’s look for the future. 

The plan will be a phased approach focusing first on chosen intersection and gateway improvements as well as construction of new entry features. 

The first phase focuses on the following areas: 

• Gateway improvements at N.W. 87 Avenue and I-75, as well as Miami Lakes Drive and the Palmetto Expressway; 

• Intersection improvements for Ludlam Road and Main Street; and 

• Roadway improvements along Ludlam Road where overhead utility lines are located. 

For residents who are unable to attend the Town Hall meeting, the town still solicits their input via email at Include resident’s name, address and contact phone number within the body of the email with preferred options from the online options. 

Residents may also contact the town via phone and inform their preferred options by calling 305-364-6100, ext. 1132, or visit in person at Government Center, 6601 Main Street, to leave feedback.