Town Topics: What is your favorite thing about Miami Lakes?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Friday, September 15, 2023

Ariel Lopez, Broker Island Living Realty LLC, Miami Lakes:  “I have a few,” Ariel Lopez said.  “I love my neighbors, my son’s school and his friends. I love the community.

“I also love how everything keeps developing with new restaurants, just everything that is happening around [Miami] Lakes,” he said. 


Patricia Canut, Physical Education Teacher, Palm Springs North: “The people, and you have a little bit of everything,” Patricia Canut said.

 “We do everything here: You can eat here, you can go to the doctor here, everything is right here,” she said. 


Benjamin Yates, Medical Student, Miami Lakes: “For both of us, is that it’s a little town in the greater area of Miami,” Benjamin Yates said.  “It’s an oasis in serenity.

 “You don’t have to go out of here, we have Costco [nearby], and we can get great sushi. “The food offerings are great.  “We have our church over here, literally everything is perfect,” he said. 


Maria Ramirez, Hair Stylist Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids, Pembroke Pines: “I like the people who live here,” Maria Ramirez said. 

“They’re awesome. You can tell it’s a close-knit community. “It’s very unified, and [I also like] the ambiance [of the town],” she said.


Emily Garcia, Special projects coordinator/secretary Miami Lakes Education Advisory Board, Miami Lakes: “There are many things that Miami Lakes has to offer,” Emily Garcia said in an email.

“One of the things I like are the vibes of the new restaurants in our area. “My current favorite place is Korner 67. It’s a small and vibrant place to gather that offers a variety of diverse dishes to share with friends and/or family,” she said. 


Alexandra Herrera interviewed and photographed our Town Topics talkers except for Ariel Lopez and Emily Garcia, who shared their photos. We thank you all!