Tribute to loved ones, cancer fighters and survivors at Miami Lakes Town Hall

Community By Linda Trischitta, Editor Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Attorney Gloria M. Garcia will host the Lights of Hope display at Miami Lakes Town Hall on Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 6 p.m.

The event is to honor and remember those who were taken by the disease as well as pay tribute to those who are fighting it, by displaying bags from donors set up outside of Town Hall. Each bag represents a cancer story, Garcia said. 

Lights of Hope is a fundraiser of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. Supporters can purchase a Lights of Hope bag with a personal message for a loved one at this site:

This local event is also to raise awareness about the ongoing fight against cancer. On Sept. 17, Garcia and Marie Korenstein, who is also volunteering with the American Cancer Society, will travel to Washington, DC for the national Lights of Hope display. They will represent Miami Lakes via the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network and want to convince members of Congress who represent South Florida to make cancer a national priority, Garcia said.