American Legion Post 144 honors MLK-8 Center students

Education By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, July 6, 2023

     American Legion Post 144 honored two students from Miami Lakes K-8 Center on May 25. Max Davis and Ava Rodriguez, both rising sixth graders, received the American Legion School Medal and Certificate during a presentation at the school. 

     The students met six criteria to qualify: Courage; patriotism; honor; scholarship; leadership and service. 

    “This is the highest recognition award bestowed upon our youth by the American Legion,” Commander Gary Cardenas said in an email. Fewer than 20 fifth graders in Miami-Dade County Public Schools received the award, he said. 

     Shown from left: retired U.S. Marine Corps Col. William Perez, vice commander of Post 144; students Ava Rodriguez and Max Davis and Post 144 Commander Gary Cardenas. 

     Photo courtesy of the American Legion.