BGEC Bobcats donate 'Chemo Comfort' bags for Sylvester Center

Education Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) Bobcat Dance Team has once again reached out to people who are in need their community.

Through the guidance and encouragement of their dance coach, Mayri Martinez, and one of the dance moms, Yesse Ruano, they have reached out to cancer patients in need of love, comfort, and encouragement. When patients begin chemotherapy treatments, they endure several side effects and it is important for patients to be as comfortable as possible during and after treatment. 

The BGEC dancers put together “Chemo Comfort Bags” that were taken to the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center for distribution to patients starting therapy. The bags include such items as lip balm, hard candy, hand cream, hand sanitizer, tea bags, sweet treats, and even small journals with some encouraging words to the cancer patients. 

The girls hoped It would serve as a small act of kindness for those who are going through a difficult time in life, and a humble token to let them know that they are loved and others are thinking of them.