BGEC eighth-grade students join in college tour around the state

Education Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A group of 50 eighth-grade students from Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) participated in the College Offers Unlimited Possibilities (COUP) tour of several colleges in Florida’s State University System from May 28-30.
The tour afforded these highly motivated and academically advanced students an opportunity to visit the University of Central Florida, University of Florida (UF), Florida State University (FSU), University of South Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University. 
At each of the universities, the students had a chance to tour the campus and meet with students and staff to learn about preparing for college and the respective programs offered at each institution.
At UF, the COUP also visited the Bob Graham Center for Public Service whose mission is renewing the values, knowledge and skills of citizenship and training the next generation of public and private sector leaders.
At FSU, the COUP met with the assistant vice president for student affairs Brandon Bowden and his staff who shared information about college life and provided all the students with a gift bag from FSU.
The students were warmly welcomed at all the other universities as well. BGEC teacher Katrina Herrero serves as the COUP sponsor and was the lead teacher involved in organizing this opportunity for the students meeting with them since the start of the school year to educate them on the unlimited possibilities offered by pursuing a higher education.