Bob Graham Edu. Center celebrates Literacy Week

Education Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Bob Graham Educational Center (BGEC) celebrated National Literacy Week January 22-26. Students at BGEC participated in many activities to celebrate the joys of reading during this time. Although BGEC has had similar book parades in the past, this is the school’s first time commemorating this educational holiday. 

Literacy Week is celebrated throughout the district and is sponsored by Just Read, Florida! and the Florida Department of Education. Myralene Binns is the 1st grade chairperson at BGEC and she is personally responsible for spearheading the event. She is also in charge of all the celebrations that happen during this week. The event was first initiated 10 years ago, and has been a successful way to get South Florida students hooked on reading. 

BGEC’s news broadcast run by 8th graders, WGBC, read quotes from literary idols in their morning announcements during the week. Some of the famous writers included Mark Twain, Federick Douglass and Vera Nazarian. 

Younger BGEC students also participated, with Pre-K classes participating in a district-wide reading of Big Al by Andrew Clements. The book was chosen by Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) Early Childhood Office. The book is about a large fish (Big Al) searching the sea for a friend, but can’t find any because other fish are intimidated and afraid of his size.

First graders stole the spotlight in their literacy parade on January 26. Many 1st and 2nd grade classes participated by strutting in the school’s courtyard, holding their favorite book, and donning an outfit or costume inspired by their favorite character.

Media Specialist John Hunt emphasizes the important role that Literacy Week brings to not only students, but the community as a whole.

“Helping someone to read and write effectively, a quality that so many of us take for granted, improves the future of everyone in society,” Hunt said. “Literacy is critical to economic development as well as individual and the community’s well-being.”