Bob Graham Education Center gets honorable mention

Education Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) received an Honorable Mention for placing fourth in the We the People National Invitational and winning the Unit Six Award for being the highest scoring unit during the first two rounds of the competition. 

Under the direction of Jackeline Hernandez, Ingy Cruz, John Brady and Richard Tapia, the students worked to prepare for the competition which took place in late April. 

“Although we did not advance to the finals, we were able to watch the other teams and can say that we are truly honored to be among such formidable contenders like Virginia, which won first place, Indiana the two-time national winners which took second, and Oregon which placed third,” said Hernandez.

The students and teachers are humbled by the outpouring of support from the Miami Lakes community. 

“Our students, teachers, administration and parents thank everyone who made this civic experience a reality,” said Hernandez.