Bob Grahm Edu. Center's Autism Unit presents a 'Friendship Show' with all grade levels performing

Education Wednesday, May 30, 2018


The Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) Autism Unit students put on a heart-warming show for parents, teachers, administrators and friends. The show’s theme was “Friendship,” and it included thoughtful performances by grade levels Kindergarten through eighth grade.  

The show opened with Tabitha Stanley-William’s second and third grade class welcoming the audience with the “Hello” song. Tabitha Rodriguez’s Kindergarten class followed with their favorite morning meeting song, “I Like Potatoes.” Next in the program was Vivian Jerry’s first grade class singing “The Happy Song.” Yareli Dominguez’s students were next on stage with a very energetic interpretation of “Walking on Sunshine.”  

Erika Hurtado's fifth grade class made the crowd laugh with a hilarious comedy segment. Finally, the show culminated with a heartfelt rendition of the song “Ben,” by Michael Jackson. Karina Marin’s third and fourth grade students and Hurtado’s class were joined on stage by Lusila Garcia’s fifth grade gifted students.  

The fifth grade gifted students had been working closely with the Autism Units throughout the school year to help increase social skill development and autism acceptance. It was an event that captivated parents and teachers alike with a great display of talent and a beautiful reminder that all students are deserving of friendship and an opportunity to shine.