Chloe Schwinghammer is Silver Knight nominee for drama at MAST Academy

Education Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Lifelong Miami Lakes resident Chloe Schwinghammer has been honored by her school, MAST Academy, as its Silver Knight nominee for Drama.

Her expertise and community commitment has long been in drama. At MAST, she has been the lead actress in multiple musicals. This year, when the department director was constrained and could not produce and direct a full show, Schwinghammer relinquished her role and because the producer, art and stage director, because she did not want her fellow Thespians to miss out on the opportunity to generate a performance. She became MAST’s first-ever student director.

Her Silver Knight nomination was a result of years of committed service. She first attended the Main Street Players acting camp when she was in middle school. Already comfortable on stage as a dancer and cheerleading captain. She was molder by the MSP staff and later taught as a volunteer counselor for three summers.

Schwinghammer service as the Main Street Players’ first intern last summer, shadowing set creators, directors, actors and marketing people to help produce MSP’s shows while working at the camp.

“I love theater and geek-ing out about shows, so extending that to children by teaching them acting and seeing them gain confidence on stage has been so rewarding and fun for me.”

Schwinghammer has hundreds of volunteer hours working on various school and community projects including as a summer counselor at Shake-A-Leg and her many years as an active Girl Scout.

As a Scout, she earned the Girl Scout Silver Award for creating the Miami Lakes Fit Fair to help families learn about community activities in which their children can participate to help them stay in shape. The Town has now evolved the Fit Fait into the Miami Lakes Health and Wellness Fair where her legacy continues.

Schwinghammer is a long time National Honor Society member, president of the MAST Performing Arts Club which sponsors all arts at the school, two-year president of the MAST Drama Club, and the Founding president of MAST’s International Thespian Society.

“I am so grateful to my parents and family, and the Miami Lakes community, especially the Lysak family and all the Main Street Players for their lessons and opportunities.