EMT Program with Barry University launches

Education Thursday, October 5, 2017

Mater Lakes Academy began a Health Services Academy five years ago, with two Health Services classes. The students enrolled in the class would become CPR and First Response trained, under the direction of firefighters Christopher Wydra, Hialeah Fire Department, and Nicolas Wydra and Ron Piel, Miramar Fire Department.

Over the years the program grew from two classes to seven the following year, and enrollment continues to grow and has now expanded from not just health science classes, but to Emergency Medical Response, and now the Emergency Medical Technician program.  

“Our classes were growing and we felt this is the time in which we needed to give the students an opportunity to advance and be exposed to careers in the medical field, whether it be careers in public service or in the medical field,” said Wydra.

This year Mater Lakes Academy has 17 seniors who comprise the first EMT class of the school and the first public charter school in the county. In order for the students to be enrolled in the EMT program, they have to have taken and passed the National Emergency Medical Responder’s exam over the summer.

During the school year, they will be taking EMT courses in high school and will receive Dual Enrollment credits from Barry University and once they pass the Emergency Medical Technician’s exam, they can become a licensed EMT and can apply directly to Fire Schools and apply for jobs as Paramedics. 

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held in late September for the program and was attended by State Representative Manny Diaz, Jr., Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid and Councilmember Nelson Rodriguez, as well as members of the City of Hialeah and City of Miramar Fire Departments, and Dr. Dwight Bernard of Miami-Dade County Public Schools Charter School Operations. The honor of cutting the ceremonial ribbon was given to Representative Diaz. 

“I want to become a trauma surgeon and I feel this program exposes me to aspects of my future career. I love the atmosphere of the class and the opportunities we are being provided,” said student Ashley Zuniga.  

Another student, Emilia Rodriguez, said “I want to work in the medical field as well and this class has given me a glimpse of careers available. What I most enjoy about the class is that we are like a family. The teachers are amazing and are so knowledgeable and they bring a real world touch with their experiences in the class.”

For more information, visit the school’s website at www.materlakes.org.