Five MDC aviation students recieve Johnson scholarships

Education Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Five outstanding Miami Dade College (MDC) aviation students will receive scholarship support to help pay for flight training and tuition as this year’s recipients of the prestigious Timothy E. Johnson Jr. Scholarship. To date, nearly 40 students from MDC’s acclaimed Eig-Watson School of Aviation have been awarded the Timothy E. Johnson Jr. Scholarship.
MDC students Jose Manuel Garcia, Yassel Garcia Herrera, Andres Laluz, Zachary Ondriezek and Shane Pineda received the award, each receiving $8,000 in scholarship funding.
The Timothy E. Johnson Jr. Scholarship was established in 2013 to honor the life and legacy of Timothy Jr., a dedicated pilot and humanitarian who passed away in an aviation accident in 2012. His love for flying paved the way for essential scholarship support that lifts, empowers and provides opportunity for our next generation of aviation professionals.
“Today’s scholarship recipients have given us the opportunity to turn what would be a very dark day for our family into a day that’s full of hope and promise,” said Nina Johnson, sister of the late Timothy E. Johnson Jr. “We have seen tremendously hard-working students who oftentimes don’t come from privilege; we have seen women and minorities; we have seen people who themselves have three or four jobs to put themselves in the position to receive this scholarship. We hope you’ll carry Timothy’s legacy forward as you amplify the opportunities given to you.”