Foundation offers $11,500 in scholarships; apply by May 15

Education By Linda Trischitta, Editor Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A family with ties to Miami Lakes, Hialeah and upstate New York is offering $10,000 in college scholarships to high school seniors who must apply by May 15.
A third, $1,500 scholarship is for a Girl Scout who achieves the Gold Award. The application has a June 15 due date.
Gina Rose Montalto was a Girl Scout and an accomplished student who excelled in everything she did.
She enjoyed STEM classes, performed with her school color guard and played soccer and flag football.
Gina Rose was also a published illustrator and was active in her church.
Her goals included attending college.
But Gina Rose’s dreams ended on Feb. 14, 2018, when she was among the 17 students and adults killed in the shooting massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.
Gina Rose was just 14.
Her parents, Jennifer and Anthony “Tony”
Montalto, created a foundation in the name of their late daughter that supports education for teenagers.
“We hope the scholarships will enable high-achieving students
to reach their goals,” said Tony Montalto, a pilot with United
The scholarships are offered to high school seniors whose parents work for United
Airlines, or who attend Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School or Pelham Memorial Senior High School in Westchester County, N.Y.
Jennifer Montalto graduated from HML in 1987, and Luke
Sherlock, Gina’s uncle, was in the Class of ’88.
Tony Montalto graduated from Pelham Memorial in 1984.
Another wish, the couple said, is that scholarship recipients will give back to their communities when they complete their educations.
The Montaltos said the Gina Rose Montalto
Foundation “is just about our daughter, remembering her, her kindness and the person she had hoped to grow up to be.”
“And to keep her memory alive,” Tony Montalto said.
There are three scholarships currently available.
For students who want to major in dance, music, theater or the visual arts when they attend college, there is a $5,000 scholarship available.
Students who will be concentrating in science, technology, engineering or math may apply for a $5,000 scholarship.
The applications require a student to have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or above and to complete an essay.
The foundation also asks about community service, leadership and honors.
And for girls who who have earned the Gold Award through the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida, there is a $1,500 scholarship.
Gina Rose achieved the Silver Award while she was a Girl Scout, and had her sights set on the Gold, her mother said.
In the future, aspiring nurses may apply for a fourth scholarship that will be offered by the foundation.
Details for that award will become available at