Goleman High recognized for student attendance score

Education Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Miami-Dade County Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho recognized Barbara Goleman High for ranking third among 39 local high schools with a 93.79 percent for student attendance for the third grading period of the 2017-2018 school year.

“This outstanding achievement is the result of your exemplary efforts, as well as those of your staff, your students, and your school community,” Carvalho said in a letter to Goleman’s principal Joaquin Hernandez. “Congratulations on a job well done. I encourage you to continue your efforts to promote outstanding student attendance at your school in the future.”

Goleman High will be bigger and better for the 2018-2019 school year.

The school will be converted to a Mega Magnet program thanks to Miami-Dade County Public School Board chairwoman Perla Tabares-Hantman.

She said a $15 million federal grant over the next five years allows the school district to enhance education opportunities for students at the highest levels of academic achievement with Goleman leading the way with the Mega Magnet program.

Unlike a traditional Magnet program, the Mega Magnet program teaches more than a set of skills, as students have a new way of looking at the work with a creative place where students feel safe and are enthusiastic about learning and participating in school activities.