Goleman Key Club's year ends a success with 16 DCON awards

Education By Guadalupe Cabrera, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, May 2, 2018


On April 5 through 8, Key Club members at Barbara Goleman Senior High School (BGHS) achieved great success at the District Education and Leadership Conference (DCON) that took place in Orlando. The BGHS club took home 16 awards in a variety of fields, including seven awards in the Distinguished Club section, first place in the Bronze Division for Key Club Service and second place for their project display board.

DCON allows students to run for leadership positions. Chang Lee and Huzaifa Bin Abdul-Rahman were among those to run for district board positions. These positions also come with extensive training, which include various workshops to attend. Some are in financial literacy, club budgeting and member recruitment.

These opportunities are crucial to the success of the students within the club. DCON offers influential advice and experience that will be used by members beyond their Key Club years. It is also an extraordinary chance for students to connect with each other and create memories that will last a lifetime.

“Key Club is a family. It’s a very demanding club, so it can be tough sometimes. We have experienced so much with each other that we now have a bond which makes it even harder to say goodbye to the seniors this year. DCON allowed us to spend more time together and end the year on a good note,” stated Bin Abdul-Rahman.

With over 2,400 members in attendance, DCON offers students a chance to become more involved with those in other chapters across the state.

“You get a context of how big Key Club really is,” said Bin Abdul-Rahman. “To those attending the event, it’s an opportunity of a lifetime to experience.”

BGHS Key Club members came back to Miami with a pocket full of aspirations and experiences. They are now trained for what is to come in the upcoming year for the club. Although this year will be difficult to top due to the many charity fundraisers, autism and cancer awareness walks and making sandwiches for the homeless, there is no doubt that the Key Club chapter at BGHS is relentless to make a positive impact in the community.