Goleman student Deirdre Cardona visits Pratt Institute

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The Pratt Institute, a New York City based creative hub and college campus, served as the temporary home for Barbara Goleman Senior High junior, Deirdre Cardona during a 4-week pre-college program prior to the start of the 2015-2015 school year. 

Cardona’s journey to Pratt began in her sophomore year Chemistry class where instead of taking notes, she was distracted by an email from the Institute extending an invitation for a pre-college program. Her paperwork and written letter of recommendation were completed that same day.

“I saw it as a gift that fell into my lap,” said Cardona of the spontaneous opportunity. 

While attending the program Cardona attended four classes: Creative Writing, Foundation Writing, Art History and Portfolio Development. She received college credit for all her classes. The pieces of writing completed during the students’ 4-week stay were published in a school anthology and were read by the Creative Writing department. Cardona and her classmates also attended cultural events on the weekends, among them the Brooklyn Flea Market, Cardona’s favorite stop. 


Despite a mix up which led Cardona to the Creative Writing department instead of the Fine Arts department she applied to, following the outcome she cites the mistake as serendipitous. 


“All the classes were very hands-on and I felt like I was being mentally stimulated,” said Cardona. “I chose to spend my summer at Pratt because I knew that being there would make me a better version of myself. I knew that it would expand my horizons and get out of my comfort zone. It impacted me in the best way imaginable.” 

Cardona’s time at Pratt, her first time experiencing the world without her parents’ care, fueled not only an academic vigor but a personal sense of fulfillment in navigating the world on her own terms.

“I learned how to solve my own problems, manage my own month and allocate my time wisely,” said Cardona. 

The road to Pratt is one that already shows Cardona’s motivation and is perhaps foreshadowing of a future of success.

“You have to be independent and want things for yourself,” said Cardona. “I took it upon myself to research and subscribe to programs like these, had I not, I wouldn’t have been able to attend this summer.”

Cardona’s short stay at Pratt has left her hungering for more time with the group of people she calls “some of the brightest minds” she’s ever met. She will be applying to the Pratt Institute following her time at Goleman.