Goleman student Rakia Walker earns Univ. of Miami internship

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Goleman High School sophomore Rakia Walker’s academic achievements and skill have earned her a spot in the prestigious University of Miami’s Scholar Program in Business, Ethics and Leadership. No other student at Goleman has earned this internship.

 With the help of her mom, Rewa, Walker found out about the program which aligned perfectly with Walker’s goals and passion – business and leadership. The program offers high school students a leg-up on the transition to a college environment by having students stay on campus for three weeks.

Walker is a part of Goleman’s Hospitality and Tourism Magnet Program and plans to run her own business in the industry in the future. She has also been a part of the non-profit organization Break Through Miami, since third grade. The program helps students become leaders, achievers, and explore options for academic success. 

“I like money and I like leading people,” said Walker. “If I had a business it would be progressive and fun.”

Walker’s dream school is Florida State University and she plans to major in business. Walker cites her mom as a source of inspiration for her drive.  

“My mom wants the best for me,” said Walker. “I love her very much and I try hard to make her proud.” 

The cost to stay on campus and a meal plan for the internship is a financial burden totaling over $7,500 for Walker and her mother to fund. Those interested in donating to Walker’s fundraising for the University of Miami internship can contact rakiawalkerdonations@hotmail.com.