Goleman teacher wins $500 award for course supplies

Education By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, February 17, 2022

     The Association of American Educators Foundation awarded a $500 grant to Steven Herrera, lead teacher for the National Security Intelligence magnet program at Barbara Goleman Senior High School in Miami Lakes.

     Herrera said the program has courses in Law Enforcement, Forensic Science and Cybersecurity. 

     Money from the grant will be used to update the comprehensive law studies course textbook; to buy forensics crime scene lab equipment and the biotechnology certification textbook and ensure teachers have the tools and resources they need for their students, Herrera said.

     The foundation is accepting applications for teacher scholarships and classroom grants through March 1. The program is open to all full-time educators. 

     For more information go to: https://bit.ly/3LIOc1k