Goleman's William Nodal graduates MD Schools Police Explorer program

Education Thursday, July 14, 2016

Barbara Goleman High student William Nodal was among a group of cadets who recently completed the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department’s Explorers Academy Training program with an opportunity to learn about a career in law enforcement. 

Students were engaged in an extensive training program, which is held each summer, including gaining insight into police work through first-hand experience, assisting police professionals in a variety of departmental and community activities.

Nodal and other young Explorers participated in crime prevention projects, social and community events, law enforcement relating training, competitions, ride along programs, and parades and fundraising events.

The program was an experience Nodal said he will always remember, piquing his interest in a career in law enforcement after he finishes college.

“The Academy was the best experience I have ever had,” he said. “Not only did we learn in the classroom but got the hands on experience which pushed it a lot further.”

Nodal, 18, finished the Academy with the rank of captain.

“Through a great leader, it was an honor being named captain ,” he said. “We all went through some much and struggled on what we accomplished. If had the chance, I would do it all over again.”

Nodal said the training also included rigorous exercises to stay fit, training courses, and visits to Miami International Airport and the Sea Port to see how law enforcement agents handle security and demonstrated life-saving issues. 

“I met so many police officers,” Nodal said. “They did some amazing things.”

Nodal said he plans on enrolling at Miami-Dade College and later attend Florida International University to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in forensic science or criminal justice.
He plans to become a police officer and then work for the FBI.

“I love to help people and my heart is in law enforcement,” Nodal said. “It’s a very dangerous job but what better way to lay your life on the line for a friend.”

Nodal plans to stay active with Explorer Post No. 115 at Goleman High School, one of three locations for Police Explorers meetings throughout the school year.