Graham Educational Exhibit dedicated at Miami High

Education By Nancy L. Stander, Educator, Special to The Miami Laker Wednesday, June 18, 2014


After dedicating the Bob Graham Living Educational Exhibit at Bob Graham Education Center in 2001, the Graham family, coupled with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, decided it would be only fitting to have another such exhibit at Miami Senior High School.

Senator Graham graduated from that school, as did all of his siblings. I was honored to be asked by both the Graham family and Dr. Marcos Moran (M-DCPS), to once again head up the exhibit.

On May 22, after almost two years of planning, waiting for the reconstruction of the school to be completed, the sorting and framing of the items selected, the exhibit was finally dedicated at Miami Senior High.

As one goes through the phenomenal Media Center at the school, and enters an area set off from the rest of the center, one can trace the life of Bob Graham from his childhood, through his education, political life, to the present day.

The exhibit is divided into five different sections with quotations by the Senator that are coordinated with the five principals of the National Honor Society: Leadership, Citizenship, Character, Service, and Scholarship. Along with each of the quotations is a collection of items that go with each principal. For example, with his quotation of Scholarship is Graham’s report card from his senior year at Miami High.

 I feel privileged to have been a part of both of these wonderful exhibits representing someone who has dedicated his life to his family the state of Florida, and our entire country. Senator Graham has been a good friend, employer, and mentor in my life, and to so many others around the world.

He and his family have contributed much to the state of Florida, and this exhibit illustrates just a small sampling of that. Take the time to go see one of these exhibits, at Bob Graham Education Center or Miami Senior High School – it will be a true educational experience.