Hantman items approved

Education Friday, February 5, 2016


The Miami-Dade County Public School Board unanimously approved two items proposed by Board chair Perla Tabares Hantman at its regular meeting this week. The first item promotes the 2016 College Fair scheduled for Sunday, February 21.

“The College Fair provides parents and students with excellent information about educational opportunities and choices,” said Hantman, who has co-chaired the fair’s local committee for 20 consecutive years. “It is a wonderful way for them to become informed and discover their options for post-secondary education.”

The second item endorses March 2016 as “Arts in Our Schools Month.”

“The arts have been shown to develop a child’s self-esteem and sharpen their critical-thinking skills, as well as increasing multicultural awareness, technical, communication and expressive skills,” said Hantman, a long-time supporter of arts education.