HML students produce anti-bullying video

Education Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High’s television production students were honored at a Miami-Dade County Public School Board meeting for producing an anti-bullying video. The students’ video was selected over other schools during the school board’s Digital Citizenship Video Contest.  
The participating schools were asked to produce 30 second videos promoting positive messages that correlate to social media.  During the school board meeting, Superintendent Alberto Carvahlo invited four of the students to read a portion of the meeting from his seat on the dais.  
The students were awarded gift cards for their achievement and their video was published by the School Board’s Office of Communications.  

Seniors Aspen Arias, Amalia Castro, Javier Fernandez, Julio Roman, Maria Perez, Adrian Rodriguez and sophomore Daniela Cardoso worked on the video. The television production program at HML is part of the Digital Media Technology and Entrepreneurship magnet program.