Jessica Cubas is Dade Christian's Rookie Teacher of the Year

Education Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dade Christian School (DCS) graduate and now first grade teacher Jessica Cubas, has been awarded Rookie Teacher of the Year. Although this is her first year teaching at DCS, one would think she is a veteran educator by the manner in which she conducts her classroom.
Her passion and excitement for learning are evidenced by the way she interacts with her students. “Mrs. Cubas is a rare first year teacher with a great balance for understanding and motivating her students for excellence,” said Headmaster Paul Humphreys.
Through the use of creative teaching strategies, Cubas keeps her first graders on their toes and is dedicated to ensuring their success. She carefully studies the curriculum and is continuously researching unique methods of presenting concepts that can appeal to all different learning styles.
Whether through song, dance, or visual cues, if a student is struggling with a concept, Cubas will go the extra mile to help him or her grasp the material. She also enjoys teaching them valuable life lessons that can be applied beyond the classroom walls.
DCS said it is blessed to have her as a teacher and cannot wait to see how she continues to develop as an educator in the years to come.