Jose Marti STEM Club wins first place at Ten-80 regional finals

Education Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Club won first place overall in the Ten-80 Regional Finals. The competition took place on March 19 at Homestead Miami Speedway. The team earned a first place in the fastest lap and data driven design project and a second place in the 30 minute endurance race and business enterprise. They also achieved third place in the graphic design part of the competition. 
Their next challenge is at Nationals in Texas on April 26 to 29. Ten-80 is a team of STEM, education and business professionals dedicated to cultivating a STEM Ecosystem that unites and inspires the next generation of entrepreneurial thinkers and innovators, empowering all students to thrive in a world of constant innovation.