Lawton Chiles Middle School restarts its doormat band program for 2019

Education Thursday, March 14, 2019

Lawton Chiles Middle School (LCMS) has a new band director, Harold Hankerson, who has helped the program really take off. A tremendous outpouring of support from parents and help from EESAC funding has made it possible to make much needed repairs to damaged instruments and purchase new uniforms for the students in preparation for their music performance assessment this spring.
Band students have embraced the challenge of getting ready for band evaluation. They are reenergized and excited about going to band class. They walk into the band room every morning and a multitude of students are warming up on their instruments, playing their scales and rehearsing their parts.
“It’s so cool to hear kids practicing in the school’s courtyard after school.” said principal Stephanie M. Tudor. The possibilities are endless for this once dwindling music program. “I really love seeing kids work together towards a common goal. Creating a sense of community is big part of the vision at LCMS and what better way to do it than through music,” remarked, Gisel Sanchez, Electives Department chair.