Liza Hernandez is Bob Graham top Rookie teacher

Education Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Liza Hernandez has been a teacher at Bob Graham Education Center (BGEC) for three years and has been named Rookie Teacher of the Year. Hernandez currently teaches seventh grade Language Arts and is the sponsor for the National Elementary Honor Society. Hernandez has always enjoyed helping others learn and grow. Her goal in the classroom has always been to help her students develop a growth mindset of succeeding and being able to believe that the power to accomplish their goals comes from within. When kids believe they can become smarter, then they will understand that effort is what makes them stronger. They must adapt and change to grow as learners. Every year, Hernandez tells herself that, educators exist because they have the passion and dedication to stand in front of a group of strangers every year to touch their lives and to become role-models.