M-D College sets in-state tuition for displaced students

Education Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Miami Dade College is offering in-state tuition to displaced college students from Puerto Rico, which was destroyed by back-to-back hurricanes in two weeks.

Hurricanes Irma and Maria left a devastating and disheartening mark on Puerto Rico, as the federal government and state officials are working together to help rebuild the island and sending food and water and other materials to people affected by the two natural disasters.

To help ease the burden for college students, Miami Dade College is offering students from Puerto Rico in-state tuition as part of its goal of providing quality education in a safe and caring environment where students can learn, mature and grow into responsible global citizens. 

“As Hurricane Irma tested the strength and resilience of the South Florida community, our Miami Dade College family united as one, as it always does, to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff,” said Miami Dade College President Dr. Eduardo J. Padron. 

“The storm, while destructive and inconvenient, has brought out the best in each of us, motivating us to patiently collaborate as we get our College back on its feet. For days, our campus teams and essential personnel have put in long hours to assess damages and ensure cleanup and recovery efforts are done safely and efficiently.”