M-D School Board Chair, Hantman, welcomes students

Education By Perla Tabares Hantman, Special to The Miami Laker Monday, October 17, 2016

Another school year is underway and we are off to a fantastic beginning. Our students and teachers were welcomed back this year to a host of new programs and opportunities. 
Many students began the year in new or renovated classrooms stocked with the latest technology and other wonderful learning tools. I am proud that our teachers too, were able to begin the year secure in the knowledge that their contract had been settled before the year even began.

The year ahead holds so much promise for new and exciting learning adventures. I expect that we will continue to see amazing achievements  from students and teachers alike. Through summer months, teachers and administrators spent their time engaged in high quality professional development activities in order to prepare themselves to meet the needs and expectations of our students and their parents.

I am also pleased to share that the School Board has completed the budget process for 2016-2017, and once again, we were able to reduce the tax burden for the typical homeowner, while maintaining or expanding high quality educational programming throughout the District.
From the expansion of Choice opportunities to the redesign of the classroom experience and everything in between, innovation and efficiency have become the hallmarks of Miami-Dade Schools.

As the Chair of the School Board, it is my great honor to offer my heartfelt thanks on behalf of the entire School Board for the support that parents, volunteers, and community business partners provide to our school system. The services and input provided by these important stakeholders are invaluable to our public schools.

Looking forward, it is my strong hope to see even more participation in each school’s PTA/PTSA’s, in programs such as Dade Partners, or other school support organizations. By working together, we can make a brighter future for all the children of Miami-Dade County. I know that 2016-2017 will be another fantastic school year.