M. Lakes Middle School staff, students join in holiday drive

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Miami Lakes Middle School teachers and students came together during the holidays to participate in a community outreach project that made over 80 holiday decorated shoe boxes to give to orphaned children.

The shoe boxes contained items like a novel, candy, crossword search books, coloring books and colored pencils, and small toys like Rubiks Cubes or Slinky.

Over 320 students participated in putting together the shoe boxes. Once completed the boxes were sent out to local orphanages targeting children ages 10 to 13 years old in local communities.

“We wanted the students to participate in an act of kindness and to reflect upon the true spirit of the holiday season,” said teacher and team leader for the project Rachel Diaz. “This was a way for all students to participate and remember the glow of giving long after the season is over.”

Funds were also raised for tricycles which were then delivered to children in need.

Miami Lakes Middle School is located at 6425 Miami Lakeway North.