This past summer, three teachers from Mater Lakes Academy received training from the organization, Project Lead the Way, to enhance the STEM program at Mater Lakes Academy.
One of the teachers, Amy Garcia, received training in the Engineering program to begin teaching that at Mater Lakes Academy for the 2016-2017 school year. Garcia, the sponsor for the SECME club at Mater Lakes, (Science, Engineering, Communication, Mathematics, and Enrichment), was a natural fit for the Engineering training for the Robotics course.
Students come in to room 423 every second period to begin their robotics course.
“This class provides the education of engineering to help us start a career. In class we create gears and mechanisms that work in a smart complicated process. What I plan on learning from the class is the ability to see what it’s like to be an engineer,” said Katherine Kemper, eighth grader.
The students in this specialized course have just created mouse trap cars for local competition and essays for national competitions. The students are now working on creating robots and coding them to perform tasks.
“I like that this class provides students a chance to get involved with engineering, and computers. It helps put students on a path towards careers in STEM fields. It teaches students teamwork and communication skills that are valued highly. I plan on learning more about the parts that make up robots, and more about the coding language we are using: Robot C,” said Julian Mendez, ninth grader.
Garcia has fallen in love with this class and knows that more students will too.
For more information, visit the school’s website at