Mater Academy students post state FCCLA competition wins

Education Thursday, March 31, 2016


Nineteen students at Mater Academy Charter School competed at the Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference in Orlando last weekend and brought home nine gold winners, seven silver and three bronze winners.

Eleven students qualified to represent Mater Academy FCCLA in the national competition at San Diego, California.

They are Billy Johnston, Pamela Mulkay, Jennifer Camejo, Kimberly Valentin, Danett Garcia-Roves, Rodolfo Hernandez, Kaitlin Marin, Jonathan Alicea, Eddy Varela, Carlos Silvera, and Adrian Cruz. 

FCCLA is a national organization for high school and college students where the activities and programs complement classroom instruction by giving students practical experience through application of the skills learned at school.