Mater Lakes Academy alumni return to join staff

Education Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Mater Lakes Academy has had seven graduating classes starting with the Class of 2010.  Many students usually graduate high school and run off to college to start their post-secondary education and move on to their professional careers, but Mater Lakes Academy has had the pleasure of having 14 alumni return and work for the school.

“Mater Lakes was a tiny school in comparison to what it is today. One aspect I enjoyed the most was that because we were such a small school at the time, we enjoyed a very close-knit community feeling with everyone,” said Andrew Curbelo from the Class of 2012, who is currently a social studies teacher. 

Stephanie Quintero, another graduate from the Class of 2012 and a current mathematics teacher, said “I enjoyed the environment, the friendly students and staff. I had so many great moments.” 

A common theme amongst the alumni that have returned is the familial atmosphere they felt as students that they feel is even stronger as employees.  

“I loved that everyone was so close to each other. It felt like a big family,” said Andrea Romeo, Class of 2016, and current front desk clerk.  

“Being a member of the first graduating class, we always took pride in being the foundation for this school,” expressed Ana Sanchez, 2010 grad and coding teacher. “I always felt like I was part of a family, while I was a student and even more so now as a teacher.” 

When asked what their favorite course at Mater Lakes was, Ashley Garcia, Class of 2014, Ashley Arguelles ‘15, Persephone Bouza ‘16, and Laura Mendez ‘16 all ranked Early Childhood Education as their favorite course.  “I loved the hands on experience,” said Bouza, recent grad and Cub Academy teacher.  

The Bear Alumni have some advice for current MLA students: “Make the best out of every day as a student while you can. One day, it’ll all be gone and you will miss it,” explained Ariel Gomez ’12 and media specialist.

“My advice would be to stay focused, you will use everything again in college. Push for that dual enrollment, push to get scholarships. Free school is the best school,” said Ashley Garcia ‘14 and Cub Academy teacher. “Pay attention in class, you will use it again,” said Laura Mendez ‘16. “Your senior year goes by fast make sure you enjoy every minute by participating in all events. High school memories do last,” said Ashley Arguelles.

“I didn’t realize how many of our kids came back, it shows me that we have done something right, when they want to come back,” said principal Rene Rovirosa.

Mater Lakes Academy is a Miami-Dade County Public Charter School, with students enrolled in sixth through 12th grade. For more information, visit the school’s website at