Mater Lakes Academy hosts visit by Education Dir. of Italian Consulate in Miami

Education Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Mater Lakes Academy is currently offering five different languages for both middle and high school students to enroll in as an elective. The languages being offered are: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Mater Lakes also has Advanced Placement (AP) courses in French, Italian, and Spanish this school year. 

An AP Italian class had a special visitor in March which was arranged by the Mater Academy Foundation. Massimo Spiga, Education Office director of the Consulate General of Italy, came to speak to the students about studying in Italy and special programs being offered to students.  

The Italian consulate is starting a study abroad program in which senior students that are 18 years old or older can travel to Italy over the summer in this specialized program. Besides reviewing the program, Spiga, also discussed the various opportunities students have to attend colleges and universities in Italy, as well comparing and contrasting the requirements for post-secondary education in Italy and the United States of America. 

Many of the students of the class had the opportunity to speak to Spiga about the program as well as the other opportunities to study in Italy. Some students of Italian descent in the class were excited to learn more about their heritage and opportunities to immerse themselves in it through this study abroad program.

“It was a pleasure to have Signore Spiga to speak to my class. His visit gave them an understanding of life in Italy and provided them with the opportunity to explore it in person,” said Italian teacher Margarita Di Labio.