Mater Lakes Academy prinicpal Rene Rovirosa honored by Fla. Tax Watch

Education Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Principal Rene F. Rovirosa of Mater Lakes Academy (MLA) was named one of the top nine principals in the State of Florida by Florida TaxWatch. On April 19, Florida TaxWatch held their Principal Leadership Award dinner, and amongst the three nominees in the high school category, he was awarded the top principal. Florida TaxWatch is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit taxpayer research institute. 

Florida TaxWatch established its Principal Leadership Awards Program in 2014. The criteria used to name the top three principals per grade division (elementary, middle and high school) is not done through a nomination basis, but it is data driven.  

Florida TaxWatch bases its criteria on data received from the Florida Department of Education, using assessment scores, learning gains, and the percentage of students that are English Language Learners (ELL), Special Education (SPED) and economically disadvantaged and their progress. Mater Lakes Academy had a 4 percent increase in learning English and Language Arts and a 14 percent increase in learning Mathematics.  Mater Lakes Academy exceeded both the state and district percentage of proficiency at 71 percent.

“I am honored, there are no other words to describe it, but just that I am honored,” said Rovirosa. “I truly feel that the key to a better community is quality education, and that is what we are providing, because this award is not just mine but all of Mater Lakes.”  

Earlier in the school year, Rovirosa was also awarded the 2017 Charter School Champion Leader Award by the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools.