Mater Lakes Academy qualifies eight students for FBLA National competition

Education Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Mater Lakes Academy (MLA) had 42 students who competed at the Future Business Leaders of America’s (FBLA) State Leadership Conference (SLC).  The FBLA SLC was held March 15 through 18 in Orlando.

“The students spent several weeks preparing for their state competition. Especially the students that had not competed before,” said FBLA sponsor Giovanni Lorenzo.

This is the first time that MLA has had eight students qualify during the SLC to attend the National Competition. Katheryn Kalouf, Isabella Milanes and Rosa Aleman placed in first in the E-Business category. Simon Kato, Derek Velez and Natalie Lopez placed in second place in Mobile Application Design. Octavio Calvo took fifth place in Global Business category and Maria Reyes placed fifth in Insurance and Risk Management.

FBLA members will compete at the National Leadership Conference in Baltimore, Maryland from June 28 until July 1. This four-day conference is the highest level of competition for FBLA members. FBLA will have created partnerships with industry leaders to design and judge their competitive events. Students achieving national ranking can earn scholarships through FBLA and their partners.

“It is amazing what our students have been able to accomplish over the years, it seems like each year we have more and more students qualify,” said principal Rene Rovirosa.