Mater Lakes' FBLA places high in District meet

Education Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Mater Lakes Academy’s (MLA) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students competed at their district competition on Friday, January 26. MLA’s FBLA chapter had 42 members place in their respective categories.

“The students spent several weeks preparing for the district competition,” said Giovanni Lorenzo, FBLA sponsor. “It is gratifying to see their hard work pay off as they competed, and it shows in their results.”

This is the largest group of students that MLA has had place for state with finals beating last year’s total of 26 students. Over 50 students competed and 25 of them were competing for the first time.  Five of the 42 students that placed in the state competition for this year are competing at the state level for the second time.  One of the students that falls in to that category, Anny Licor, not only competed in the state level last year, but she has also competed at the national level.

FBLA members will compete at the State Conference in Orlando the weekend of March 16-19. Once students compete at the state level and place to compete nationally, they will then go Baltimore in June for a four-day conference. The National Leadership conference is the highest level of competition for FBLA members. FBLA will have created partnerships with industry leaders to design and judge their competitive events. Students achieving national ranking can earn scholarships through FBLA and their partners.

“All I can say is wow,” said Rene Rovirosa, principal at Mater Lakes Academy.  “It is amazing to see how far our programs have come.”

First place winners included Jacob Wilson, advertising; David Sequiera, agribusiness; Kathleen Meireles, client service; Vijay Rathore, cyber security; Rosa Aleman, Isabella Milanes and Kathryn Kalouf in E-business; Melissa Ramos, impromptu speaking; Maria Reyes, insurance and risk; Brianna Mirabal, journalism; Derek Velez, Simon Kato and Natelie Lopez in mobile app development. 

Second place winners included Julian Arevalo, Jesus Cid and Jeremiah Thony in computer game; Kellymarie Socarras, electronic career portfolio; Octavio Calvo, global business; Arlenis Barrios, management information systems; Samuel Lopez and Christian Mira in network design; Sofia Avande and Daniela Llanes in publication design; Enya Morera, Samirah Ocampo and Monica Niebles in social media campaign. 

Third place winners included Ingrid Alzate, business F plan; Layron Rodriguez, computer app; Alejandro Rivero and Evan Cortes in digital video; Justin Bu and Jessica Mesa in entrepeneurship; Eimy Cedeno, health care; Anthony Rivero, marketing; Sophia Torres, organizational leadership; Anny Licor and Adrian Canepa in public service announcement; Romina Aguirre, Jonathan Riego and Steven Lopez in sports and entertainment. 

Fourth place included Jenifer Tapia, accounting 1, and Victoria Menendez, intro to parlimentary procedure.