Mater Lakes scores top in state, national certification

Education Thursday, October 19, 2017

The results are in for the industry certification exams taken by the students in the Academy of Education at Mater Lakes Academy. Students had to take seven subject area exams for the state certification from the Department of Children and Families and then the Child Development Associate exam for the national certification.

For the state exam over 90 percent of the students passed their exams and were able to get certified. The subject areas and respective passing rate were Behavioral Observation and Screening, 91 percent; Child Abuse and Neglect, 96 percent; Child Growth and Development, 94 percent; Facility Rules and Regulations, 92 percent; Health, Safety, and Nutrition, 100 percent; Preschool Appropriate Practices, 95 percent; and Understanding Development Appropriate Practices, 98 percent. 

For the national certification, Child Development Associate, 98 percent  of the students passed the exam.

The Early Childhood Education program in the Academy of Education is in its fifth year. The program prepares high school students to not only graduate with their high school diploma but with an industry certification. Students also earn college credits from Miami-Dade College.
To prepare for the exams, the Early Childhood Education students had intensive training, which consisted of four levels of Early Childhood, creating a teaching portfolio, and they were also observed by National representatives of the CDA.  

“I am so proud of their hard work and dedication. Not only did they complete everything needed to become state and nationally certified but they did that all while teaching and caring for the children of the Cub Academy preschool,” said Joanna Mansfield, director of Early Childhood Education.  

A total of thirty one students passed both the state and national exam.
For more information visit the school’s website at