MDC aviation students awarded Saul and Lois Watson grants

Education Monday, July 8, 2019

Miami Dade College Foundation and the acclaimed Eig-Watson School of Aviation at MDC awarded five students with the prestigious Saul and Lois Eig Watson Scholarship to support their dream of becoming an airline and commercial pilot.
The 2019 scholarship recipients include Jose Manuel Garcia, Yassel Garcia Herrera, Jonathan Sergio Ibarra, Andres Laluz and David F. Zambrano joining the group of more than 230 aspiring airline and commercial pilots who have received the Saul and Lois Eig Watson Scholarship since it was established at MDC in 1988. 
“This is honestly the only way I can put my career forward to give back to the community as a certified flight instructor. I recently got my commercial license and thanks to the generosity of the Eig Watson family, I’m able to continue my training,” said Zambrano. “I’m proud to be a student at MDC which is the biggest gateway for aviation in the region.”
The scholarship recipients were honored at a recent MDC Foundation event with the donors and guest speaker MDC alumnus Jose Muñoz, a past scholarship recipient who today is a successful pilot at United Airlines.
“Without this scholarship, there’s a good chance that I wouldn’t be here right now with the job I have and pursuing the career I’ve dreamed of,” Muñoz added. “I think I speak on behalf of all of us who received the scholarship back then and have since been successful, it’s all because of the Eig Watson family and MDC.”